Written by David Wise
My experience in construction helps me appreciate the wisdom and quality workmanship of our Master Builder. Don’t be fooled by the competitors! Being in the construction trade has had its...
Written by Barbara Lee
All our lives we are taught to help other people. But if everyone had the attitude of wanting to help others, who would there be to help? Here’s what we learned through my mom’s...
Written by Kathlyn Mae M. Tiu
Society puts great emphasis on how we look. In reality, though, outward appearance is both important and unimportant. Read on to see what I mean. We live in a world where things get more complex...
Written by Ella Mae Tyrkalo
It’s not unusual to find women at the helm of leading companies and governments. Do you ever feel your contribution as a wife and mother just can’t measure up? Women in our modern...
Written by Lynn Marshall
Integrity in sports is taking a nosedive. But there are still good role models who teach the importance of playing by the rules—like Princess Haya. It is sad to see seven-time Tour de France...
Written by Vivienne Villaescusa
A lot of people find it hard to communicate without throwing in some swear words. Is this a problem? Does it matter to God? How can we change? Perhaps you’ve seen the commercial: Chewing gum...
Written by Sara Hawk
Secret agents and spy thrillers are nothing compared to the impossible mission God has given us. But He’s also giving us everything we need to beat the odds. After watching the most recent...
Written by Andrew Travers
What does it take to be the kind of light that Jesus Christ told us to be? A long, long time ago (back in 2009), in a land far, far away (the state of Pennsylvania), I was attending a church camp...
Written by Chant’a Collier
This evil world can rub off on us and soil our spiritual clothing. Here’s what I’m learning about cleaning up and trying to stay clean before God. I laughed to myself when I read this:...