
How Parental Patience Pays Off: And Then One Day, It Happened!

Written by Todd Carey

As a parent, it can be frustrating to watch our children avoid or put off something that could be good for them. My experiences as a child and a parent convince me that sometimes patience can pay...

Two Queens Proclaim a Fast

Written by Karen Meeker

These two queens were worlds apart, and the fasts they proclaimed were diametrically opposite in attitude and purpose. Growing up, I never remember having heard the word fasting. Not, that is, until...

“Thy Kingdom Come”

Written by Rachel Koenig

Watching world events has made the need for the Kingdom of God more real to me. More than ever I see the importance of listening to God through Bible study and living with urgency. I was thinking...

Creating an Environment for Your Child’s Success

Written by Larry Greider

The challenge for the next generation is to build an active, creative, successful life rather than passively living the lives of others. I remember the time when one of my sons decided he was...

God’s Calling: Two Faith-Building Experiences

Written by Eddie Johnson

When I was first learning about God and His way of life, it took me a long time to fully commit to Him. In the process He got my attention with two experiences that helped build my faith. Why did...

Read to Me!

Written by Becky Bennett

Reading to your children provides a long list of benefits! So cuddle up with your child and a good book and enjoy some guilt-free entertainment. Times spent reading books with my children have to...

Why Doesn’t He Listen?

Written by Judy Swanson

As a wife, it’s easy to feel your husband just isn’t listening to your input or that he doesn’t care. What should we do? How many times have I made an appointment to be at a...

Becoming Gold: Refining Our Spiritual Character

Written by Johnathan Armstrong

Gold has skyrocketed in price recently, but it has long been highly valued. Its properties provide a biblical analogy to our spiritual character. The word gold appears 417 times throughout the...

The Power of Positive Expectations and Encouragement

Written by Becky Bennett

It’s easy to feel discouraged and incapable, and it takes a special person to believe in us and help us with positive encouragement. Thankfully, we can all be those special people! Oh, I was...