
Is Evil Becoming Normal?

Written by Adam Sanders

If the world is becoming so evil that God will have to intervene, why can’t people see it? Jesus Christ said in His Olivet Prophecy that the time before His second coming would be like the...

Help Your Child Discover Talents and Aptitudes

Written by Larry W. Greider

Finding a meaningful job that is satisfying and stimulating is ideal. After years of education, our children will spend the rest of their lives making a living. How can we help them avoid ending up...

No Time to Waste

Written by Mike Bennett

Got a minute—or five? I believe these biblical time management principles will be worth every minute. God gave us our time—every second of it. It’s a great blessing and a big...

Mastering the Fundamentals

Written by Johnathan Armstrong

You can’t succeed in sports without mastering the fundamentals. The same is true of our spiritual lives. When I was growing up, I was very active in sports. From the age of 7, I played...

A Father’s Perspective on Parenting the First Year

Written by Paul Suckling

I had the incredible experience of seeing both of our children born, and what a thrill it was! After months of waiting and helping my wife more and more as time moved along in her pregnancy, the...

Temptations: Why Did I Want That Useless Piece of Plastic?

Written by Johnathan Armstrong

I remember as a child whining to try to get an exciting new toy—which really turned out to be just a worthless piece of junk. Are adult temptations much different? Have you ever seen...

Pictures of Devotion

Written by Karen Meeker

Devotion manifests itself in different ways, but few are as profound or elicit such emotion as images, mental or real, of the bereft. Consider a devoted pet or a mother like Rizpah. Hawkeye...

The Parenting Power of Encouragement

Written by Larry Greider

Life has many challenges, and no one is good at everything he or she tries, especially the first time. Many times what our children need is a cheerleader, not a critic! Having raised four very...

Ride Your Race to Win!

Written by Larry Murray

The arduous Argus Cycle Tour taught me a lot about myself—and about an even more important race we are all in. The Argus Cycle Tour is the largest timed cycle race in the world. Its 110...