
Avoiding Spiritual Calluses

Written by Johnathan Armstrong

Our consciences are designed to help us avoid sin by hurting when we go astray. But if we keep sinning, we can sear our consciences and harden our hearts. These calluses can be very dangerous to our...


Written by Joel Meeker

A funny experience with our GPS illustrates a situation sometimes faced by teens and adults in the Church of God. My wife bought a GPS navigation system to help her find her way around on road...

Perspiration, Perspective, Perception—and Alliteration!

Written by Janel Johnson

Allow me to share some meditations on an August day. Now that August has arrived, end-of-season swimwear sales are popping up in newspaper and online ads. Only one thing prevents me from pursuing...

Who Is the Devil?

Written by Larry Murray

Does the devil really exist? Would God create such an evil being? Many people today don’t really believe there is a devil. Why would God create an enemy, an evil being who opposes Him? God...

And Baby Makes Three

Written by Todd Carey

Preparing to have a baby is one of the most exciting and important activities in our lives. One of the greatest gifts God has granted to married couples is the ability to expand our families with...

Bearing Fruit

Written by Mary Hendren

The pear tree in my dad’s yard is over 100 years old and continues producing fruit. It’s still an inspiration to me. The Kieffer pear tree in the picture is more than 100 years old,...

Religious Debates vs. Discretion

Written by Vivienne Villaescusa

Some cool old quotes can help us avoid people problems today. Philip Dormer Stanhope, the fourth earl of Chesterfield, gained fame as a British statesman and writer and was knighted with the title...

Is There an Easy Way?

Written by Mark Weiss

Understanding God’s plan for your salvation is too important to trust to trial and error or seemingly easy answers. The Bible’s answer is simple, though not easy. Life can be so...

“Ma’am, You Are Going the Wrong Way”

Written by Judy Swanson

God can help us in many ways, even when we don’t know we need help. Here’s the story of a time I’m convinced God helped me and my two small children. “The angel of the LORD...