Written by Taylor Tootle and Heather Bennett
Our biology professor was delivering a lecture on the role of enzymes when a “bad word” slipped out! Our cell biology professor was gushing about the awesome complexity, efficiency and...
Written by Hervé Irion
What if a rich benefactor decided to give you $86,400 each day? Sounds great, doesn’t it? But there is a catch. You are not allowed to save any of it. You have to spend it all, and what is...
Written by Karen Meeker
Drought and famine have a human face, and it is heartrending. The image of the face of a starving child is heartrending. Just go on YouTube, type in “Somalia drought” or “Somalia...
Written by Susan Scott Smith
As summer vacation ends, thoughts turn to school supplies, dress codes, registration (endless repetitious paperwork), bus schedules, before/after-school providers, homework, tests—and...
Written by Jeremy Hess
My heart goes out to my friend’s daughter, Kaylee, who has suffered so much in her short life. I’m praying for her heart—and longing for the new heart all of us need! On Feb. 14,...
Written by Taylor Tootle
The Bible lists seven annual festivals that the New Testament Church continued to celebrate. Four of them are coming up in the next couple of months. How should we prepare for these “feasts of...
Written by Dee Kilough
In the midst of a trial, I asked God to lead me through the Scriptures to right attitudes and conclusions. The journey has been transforming, and I have only one regret. Everyone goes through times...
Written by Michelle Rothwell
Christians are not immune to the emotional and psychological problems facing many in the world today. We aren’t comfortable talking about them, but ignoring them doesn’t make them go...
Written by Bonnie Greider
We want to protect our children, but in the long run, the best way to do that is to teach them how to get back up after a fall. A younger woman walked into church, obviously burdened by carrying a...