Godly Women Blog


Answered Prayers: Sometimes Bittersweet

Written by Susan Scott Smith

Have you ever prayed for something for a long time—say to sell your house—only to find yourself sad when God answered that prayer? That happened to me. About nine years ago we...


The Light on a Hill

Written by Lynn Marshall

An experience getting lost on a dark night during my childhood taught me some important lessons that I still value today. My “backyard” growing up as a child in Australia was as ideal...


We Stand to Inherit a Lot!

Written by Becky Bennett

Inheritances today can come with problems—squabbling heirs, hurt, anger and, of course, grief. I long for an inheritance that has none of these issues! I remember playing the Game of Life...

Can We Feel Safe in Troubled Times?

Written by Nancy Diraison

We face danger from many directions, but we serve a God who promises to protect us. Here is a story of God’s protection in my life. The news is filled with stories of people being hurt or...


Learning From Esther

Written by Sue Ellison

Queen Esther’s inspiring biblical example gives us insight into how we can have faith and courage in the face of our trials and challenges. Queen Esther, the heroine in the book of Esther,...


Learning Our Way Through Trials

Written by Gloria Carey

When we go through trials, we tend to ask, “Why?” But the book of Job reveals another question we should be asking. It’s no secret—just turn on the evening news and you...


How to “Wait” on God

Written by Sarah Henderson

“I wait for You.” That’s what the psalmist David said many times. As humans, we tend to be impatient. How can we find the ability to truly wait on God? David wrote Psalm 25 in...


Making Our Word Good

Written by Lynn Marshall

A recent experience highlighted an important lesson—we must develop the reputation of being good to our word by always striving to do what we say we will do. On a recent trip to visit my...


Bridging the Greatest “Generation Gap”

Written by Nancy Diraison

A small child’s understanding of the world can be cute, funny—or even a bit frightening for the parents! Is our understanding of the spiritual world similar? The apostle Paul wrote,...