Written by Andrea West
Many of us in the United States take food and water for granted. Does this time of ease in our nation cause us to miss valuable spiritual lessons? Food and water are essential for life. Every...
Written by Jennifer Cox
What is the greatest thing God is offering us? It is His character! God is creating a family and has much that He plans on giving us, His children. In fact, we are promised that we will inherit...
Written by Tamara Valley
Trees are amazing—both in how large and in how old they can be. What spiritual lessons can we learn from some of the oldest living things in creation? I’ve always been in awe of trees....
Written by Chant’a Collier
Fine jewelry is just a physical reminder of something very precious I want to pass on. Here are three ways to share God’s gift of beautiful character. Every few months a major national...
Written by Susan Scott Smith
A member of the Church of God, a Worldwide Association, shares her reflections from reading the entire Bible in 2013 and looks forward to the 2014 program. In the past few years our Church has...
Written by Andrea West
Choices made in the past have given us the gift of human life. What can we learn from these choices that will give us direction toward everlasting life? As we grow up, we learn about and are...
Written by Nancy Diraison
Going through trials is never easy. But what I saw from that dark mountain helped me appreciate the long-range vision God wants all of us to have. I once heard it said that suffering triggers the...
Written by Andrea West
I was a fearful child. My fearful state continued through my teen years until one evening when I was about 19, God began to free me from my prison of fear. My parents weren’t fearful...
Written by Shannon Foster
Sometimes it is difficult to know what to say in a card to a friend who is struggling with a trial. What are some ways we can use words to encourage others? It seems as if more and more people are...