Godly Women Blog


Doing the Right Thing Isn’t Convenient

Written by Susan Scott Smith

Sin is often a temptation to do something that is easy and convenient. As we approach Passover, let’s consider how we need to think to overcome sin.  Each year after the Feast of...


The Beauty of Growing Older

Written by Ella Mae Tyrkalo

In our world of chaos that emphasizes youth, we seek to find beauty in our surroundings. We often disregard, or fail to see, the beauty of growing older. As we grow older we find we can’t do...


Read the Bible All Year

Written by Susan Scott Smith

Having wrapped up the 2014 Bible Reading Program and started a new one for 2015, the author reflects on lessons she learned from the 2014 program. We have completed another year of the Bible...


The Determination of a Child

Written by Chant’a Collier

A story of a young girl who struggled to walk can teach us important lessons about moving forward with determination in our spiritual development. Let me share with you a mother’s story...


To Quit or Not to Quit?

Written by Nancy Diraison

When we’re faced with a challenging situation or difficult trial, it can be tempting to quit. But persistence is a valuable characteristic to develop. Most of us are familiar with the...


A Solid Foundation

Written by Barbara Lee

A member shares a lesson she learned from three fallen trees. How can we strengthen our spiritual foundation and be strong in times of adversity? Recently I saw three large trees that just tipped...


I Was an FI Student … for a Week

Written by Susan Scott Smith

A Church member who attended one of the 2014 FI Continuing Education sessions in Allen, Texas, recounts her experience of being an FI student for a week. Thirst for knowledge seems to be...


GMOs—Are You Concerned?

Written by Susan Scott Smith

There is a lot of worry about genetically modified organisms—GMOs. But is there another type of “GMO” that we should be even more concerned about? The uproar about...


How Does God Feel When We’re Suffering?

Written by Nancy Diraison

We certainly know how we feel when we go through trials. But how does God feel? A Hebrew word can help us understand the depth of God’s feeling for us. Have you ever wondered what God is...