
In Times of Trial, Why We Need an Attitude of Gratitude

Written by Lori Bryant

Can we still have the right attitude toward God when everything is falling apart? It is easy to praise God when things are going well. What happens when things are not? Can we still praise God and...

Course Corrections

Written by Robert Worsham

You’ve filed a flight plan and are on your way. But are you ready to accept course corrections in order to ensure that you arrive safely at your final destination? What part does God play in...

Word Power: Dealing With “Slurs”

Written by Todd Carey

How can we help our children use words to help others—and deal with words others use to try to hurt them? While reading the sports page last week, I came across an article about a soccer...

Is There Life After the Death of a Loved One?

Written by Susan Scott Smith

I firmly believe my loved ones will live again. But sometimes I wonder how we, the survivors, can go on. In the past few years, something my mother-in-law used to say has popped into my mind...

Godly Love: One of God’s Greatest Gifts!

Written by Adiel Granados

How can we grow in the love that God shows to us? One very significant gift from God is His eternal love. God loves us more than we can imagine, and He wants us to love Him and show Him that we...

Fun and Effective Ways to Teach Small Children About God and the Bible

Written by Mary Clark

Children have an amazing capacity to learn and remember all kinds of things. How can we—from the time they are babies—make sure the wonderful knowledge of God is always in their minds?...

Don’t Be Ignorant of Satan’s Devices!

Written by Mike Bennett

We are at war! Our adversary, Satan the devil, hates us and wants to destroy us. We must be aware of our enemy’s weapons and tactics, because our spiritual life depends on it. The apostle...

Who Is Going to Encourage Me?

Written by Barbara Lee

It was one of those days, and I needed some encouragement. A friend’s comment started a ripple effect that is helping spread encouragement far and near. I’m all by myself. I had a...

You Can’t Give Too Much Love!

Written by Becky Bennett

At one time or another most parents will hear warnings of “don’t spoil your child!” It’s helpful to know the real cause of spoiling—and it isn’t love! Sometimes...