
Are You Getting Ahead, or Just Getting More?

Written by Gloria Diliberto

The choices of the past were much more limited. But with all our modern materialistic options, are we being pulled away from what is truly important? In the not-too-distant past people...

Limiting God?

Written by Johnathan Armstrong

God is limitless. Nothing is impossible to Him. But He has given us free will, and He chooses not to force us to accept His greatness or His help. So there is a sense that our choices limit what God...

Wired for War?

Written by Mike Bennett

Are men wired for war? Are violent games and modern military technology reinforcing that wiring? How can we rewire for peace? American Civil War General Robert E. Lee once said, “It is good...

Time Flies … What Am I Doing?

Written by Susan Scott Smith

“So teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom” (Psalm 90:12). As birthdays, anniversaries, graduations, retirement parties or anniversaries of loved ones’...

“Sorry”: It’s a Hard Word for Kids Too!

Written by Becky Bennett

Giving apologies doesn’t come naturally for any of us. Calvin to Hobbes: “I feel bad that I called Susie names and hurt her feelings. I’m sorry I did it.” Hobbes:...

These Times of Suffering Will End!

Written by Adiel S. Granados

God shows us how suffering will end, and He encourages us to live now in preparation for that happy future world. When I think of suffering, the first verse that comes to my mind is Revelation...

Spiritual Insights via Play-Doh

Written by Andrea West

From time to time we catch a glimpse of what God has done for us. A recent glimpse came to me while I played with my 4-year-old granddaughter and Play-Doh. One of our greatest pleasures since my...

“No” Year’s Resolutions

Written by Cathy Castillano

I chose not to make annual (New Year’s) resolutions because I found a practice that was more effective for me: daily resolutions! Last week, a friend’s 2012 New Year’s resolution...

Meet Your Maker

Written by Joshua Travers

Have you met your Maker yet? Well, now is as good a time as any. Do you feel you really know God? Do you have a strong personal relationship with your Creator? These are important questions to...