
Lessons From Philip: Called to Serve

Written by Johnathan Armstrong

A first-century deacon still has a lot to say to us today about how to serve God and others. Recently I had the opportunity to serve as a counselor at Winter Camp. One thing I had to do before...

The Seasons of Life With God

Written by Chant’a Collier

The seasons of the year can reflect lessons of the spiritual seasons of our life walking with God. As I write this, I notice the calendar reads Dec. 22, the day after the beginning of winter here...

Growing in Courage

Written by Samuel J. Travers

It takes courage to face our fears and to do the difficult things we need to do to serve God and to serve others. How do we grow in courage? What is courage? Webster’s New Collegiate...

Children and Creativity: The Joy of the Box

Written by Karen Meeker

I recently viewed a YouTube video of a young child tossing an impressive pile of playthings out of a toy box, only to climb into the empty receptacle and sit contentedly. That was a clear...

Teachers of Good Things

Written by Vicki Willoughby

With that glint in her eyes and zeal in her life, she brought so much to mine. Back in the early ’70s God brought a wonderful older woman into my life. She had lived a good life with her...

Facing My Husband’s Death: Learning to “Walk by Faith, Not by Sight”

Written by Lori Bryant

God is driving home this scripture through tremendous loss—and great hope. Walking by faith and not by sight (2 Corinthians 5:7) became very real to our family this year. We were enjoying...

Please: Is Etiquette Out-of-Date?

Written by Pam Rehm

What do good manners mean for a modern Christian? A few months ago, I gave someone a small gift. The gift was really insignificant. However, it struck me that the person receiving the small item...

Gifts From My Mother: Four Powerful Parenting Principles

Written by Andrea West

My mother taught me many things by word and example. She has always been “in front of me,” leaving a path for me to follow in many areas of life. Here are four parenting principles...

One Incredible Goal

Written by Eddie Johnson

The Bible focuses on one fundamental outcome, one incredible goal—for God to increase His family! This is the incredible human potential. King David of Israel once asked the awesome Creator...